Monday, December 10, 2012

Day One

Today was officially what I'm counting as Day One of my 28 Day Plant Strong Challenge by The Engine 2 Diet.   It was a weak attempt, (very weak) but......  here it goes:

Breakfast:   11am....(can I still call it breakfast at that hour?)  Coffee with a splash of Silk French Vanilla Soy Creamer (40 calories, 2 g fat) and a Kashi Chewy Granola Bar, Trail Mix (140 calories, 5 g fat)  (I thought that was a decent breakfast.  I woke up on the late side of the morning and didn't feel like making the bowl of cereal that I had been looking forward to.  So, I grabbed a cuppa joe and a granola bar.  That was just a huge failure [as far as my E2 diet challenge is concerned.] 

Yes, I will answer your question.  Why did I wake up on the late side of the morning?  I love to sleep.  LOVE TO SLEEP!!!  I would sleep 24 hours a day if I could.  But, with 2 kids, a husband, and a life is such that I am required to get out of bed on a daily basis. 

Me? Lack of energy?  Yes. 

Will that improve on this Plant Strong Diet?  I sure hope so!!  

Also, I've had a headache for the past 4-5 days.  I get a lot of headaches.  It stinks.  I'm used to it. 

Will that improve on this Plant Stong Diet?  I sure hope so!!

Ok, back to the food.

Lunch:  1:30pm...  Boca Burger (70 calories, 0.5 g fat) on an Orowheat Whole Wheat Bun (170 calories, 2.5 g fat). Topped with mustard, lettuce, and tomato slices.  YUM!  I love Boca Burgers so much!  But are they E2 approved???  Hhhhmmm....  I'll have to look that up tomorrow.  The buns?  Well, I made sure that the first ingredient in the buns said "WHOLE WHEAT" but I failed to read the remaining ingredients carefully.  How did I miss the 3rd ingredient SUGAR???  and there's Soy Bean Oil.  and a bunch of other ingredients I can't pronouce. 

Another big failure.

Snack:  2:30pm...  I drove thru Starbucks on my way to work and drank a very unapproved coffee beverage from 2:30-4:30pm.  My venti, skinny, vanilla latte with soy and extra shot was probably close to 200 calories and let's say 2 g fat.

Dinner:  7:00pm...  Amy's Black Bean Vegetable Enchiladas (160 calories, 6 g fat)....  Organic, dairy free.... I thought this was a sure thing!!!  There is oil in it but it's pretty far down the list of ingredients so I think I'm ok on that one.    Sodium, too high, 390 mg per serving.... doesn't meet the E2 guideline of 1:1/calories:sodium.  OH!! and get this, the calories, fat, and sodium I just told you about....  that's for ONE enchilada.  But there are TWO in the package.  Wrapped together.  You have to cook them at the same time, so why wouldn't you eat them at the same time?!?!?  Dumb!  So, let me revise my calories and such...   320 calories, 12 g fat, 780 mg of sodium.  Aarrgg!!!

Snack:  10:30pm...  another granola bar that made my breakfast a failure.  That's another 140 calories and 5 g fat.

And, you are correct.  There was NO fruit consumed today!!!  FAILED!!  (unless you count the tomato slices on my Boca burger. 

Starting weight: 199.4 lbs,  BMI 29.0

It's late.  I need to get to bed.  Tomorrow's post wont be so long.  And, it won't be such a failure.

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