Saturday, December 8, 2012

Preparing for Day 1 of my Plant Strong Diet Challenge

Thanks to a food documentary I caught on Netflix the other day, I have given serious thought to my current diet.  And even more thought to my family's diet.  The film is Forks Over Knives.  It looks at the claim that "most, if not all, of the degenerative diseases that afflict us can be controlled, or even reversed, by rejecting animal-based and processed foods." I was blown away.
After watching this film, Netflix told me that I'd probably like The Engine 2 Kitchen Rescue.  Netflix was right.  It was this film that made me decide to try the 28 day plan strong challenge.  Rip Esselstyn (hottie!) made it look easy to make healthy, filling, and yummy looking food.
At this point, it's just me doing the challenge.  However, (little does my family know) they will be eating a lot more plant based meals and A LOT LESS animal-based foods!!! With a husband who is a meat and potatoes kind of guy, an 8 year old daughter who loves dairy, and a 5 year old son who is a VERY picky eater....... well, here my true challenge lies!!
I went shopping today and am prepared for the next week.... I look forward to starting my day with Rip's Big Bowl of cereal for breakfast, "An Engine 2", and minestone soup for dinner.  To snack on, I'm thinking.....fruit, and veggies with hummus.

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